May 16, 2021
MARK: Can You Hear Me?
Today's sermon explores an amazing miracle in which Jesus heals a deaf and mute man. 
  • May 16, 2021MARK: Can You Hear Me?
    May 16, 2021
    MARK: Can You Hear Me?
    Today's sermon explores an amazing miracle in which Jesus heals a deaf and mute man. 
  • May 9, 2021MARK: A Mother’s Persistence
    May 9, 2021
    MARK: A Mother’s Persistence
    The most power lesson a mother can teach is how to have faith.  Join us as we explore the characteristics of great faith in Mark 7.  
  • May 2, 2021MARK: The Battle of Traditions
    May 2, 2021
    MARK: The Battle of Traditions
    There's nothing wrong with most traditions, as long as traditions don't become the measuring stick of what is right or wrong. The measuring stick of right or wrong should always be the Word of God.
  • Apr 25, 2021MARK: The Forgotten Lesson
    Apr 25, 2021
    MARK: The Forgotten Lesson
    Fear can have a negative and destructive effect on our lives.  It's critical to understand that the presence of fear may indicate an absence of trust.  Discover an important life lesson in Mark 6 as we look closer at the message Jesus teaches His disciples. 
  • Apr 18, 2021MARK: The Miracle of Minnows & Muffins
    Apr 18, 2021
    MARK: The Miracle of Minnows & Muffins
    The multiplication of bread and fish is only one of two miracles that shows up in all four gospels.  Discover the miracle of God's provision as we dig into Mark, chapter 6.
  • Apr 11, 2021MARK: Is Anything Worth Dying For?
    Apr 11, 2021
    MARK: Is Anything Worth Dying For?
    Faith is worth dying for.  In Mark 6, we discover that rejection may cost you everything just as it did with John the Baptist.  Some may say that they would die for their faith but are you willing to live for your faith?
  • Apr 4, 2021STAND ALONE: From Brokenness To Relationship
    Apr 4, 2021
    STAND ALONE: From Brokenness To Relationship
    Discover how God's original design for us differs from where we often find ourselves and what is needed for restoration.
  • Mar 28, 2021MARK: Shake Off The Dust
    Mar 28, 2021
    MARK: Shake Off The Dust
    Discover the basic message Jesus gave His disciples in Mark 6.  He wanted them to take a simple approach to ministry.
  • Mar 21, 2021MARK: What’s Your Story?
    Mar 21, 2021
    MARK: What’s Your Story?
    Join us as we discuss the tragedy of unbelief in Mark 6:1-6.
  • Mar 14, 2021MARK: The Servant Conquers
    Mar 14, 2021
    MARK: The Servant Conquers
    Learn the difference between faith and belief as it relates to Mark 5.